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Industry Insights
Dragon's Byte: Securing the AI Realm in 2024
Curious to understand how security teams will adapt to the changing AI landscape in 2024? Me too. In this blog, I outline my top five predictions for the next 12 months.
Dec 12
Industry Insights
ChatGPT one year on: How 10,000+ AI tools have changed the workplace and redefined data security
On ChatGPT’s one year anniversary, Harmonic analyzes the proliferation of AI tools, how employees are using them, and the risks security teams must consider.
Nov 23
Industry Insights
Hopes for the global AI summit
On the 1st and 2nd November world leaders and key figures from the major technology companies will assemble in the UK for the first global summit on artificial intelligence. Read our thoughts on the prospects for the summit and the outcomes we would like to see
Oct 26
Company Updates
Harmonic Security: New beginnings
Today I am delighted to announce the launch of Harmonic Security with a $7m seed round, helping companies to adopt Generative AI without risking the security and privacy of their data.
Oct 19
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Concerned about the data privacy implications of Generative AI? You're not alone. Get in touch to learn more about Harmonic Security's approach.