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Industry Insights
Understand Users to Inform Your AI Usage Policy: Why Security Teams Should Build User Personas
In this article I am going to detail the types of GenAI user personas, and more importantly the security risks associated with them. I will also be providing some thoughts on what you could include in your organization's AI Use Policies.
Feb 27
Best Practices
The Vanilla Ice Guide to AI Usage Policies: Critiquing 4 Common Approaches
An analysis of the four main approaches to AI usage policies with some practical advice from Vanilla Ice about focusing on the end user.
Feb 14
Industry Insights
Gemini vs ChatGPT: Comparing Data Privacy Policies
Google unveiled Gemini, rebranding from "Bard" with a new paid Gemini Advanced tier based on Ultra 1.0, challenging OpenAI's ChatGPT with novel features but raising data privacy concerns.
Feb 9
Best Practices
GenAI security: A case for using NIST CSF
NIST's Cybersecurity Framework 2.0 is coming and will likely provide a helpful structure for thinking about how to secure GenAI. This blog explores the framework in more detail, while providing practical guidance at each of CSF's stages.
Feb 7
Industry Insights
AI and Data Protection Laws: A Primer for Security Leaders
Yesterday, Italy’s data protection authority, Garante, issued a notice to OpenAI for potential violations of GDPR. In this blog, we explore the impact of generative AI tools on new and existing and emerging compliance frameworks.
Jan 30
Industry Insights
Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing? Security Implications of OpenAI’s GPT Store
Exploring the implications of the launch of the OpenAI GPT Store
Jan 11
Best Practices
Reducing Shadow AI Risks: Applying Lessons from The Prohibition Era
A short guide to how security teams can reduce the risks associated with Shadow AI.
Jan 10
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Concerned about the data privacy implications of Generative AI? You're not alone. Get in touch to learn more about Harmonic Security's approach.